Security Equipment Removed From Former Mayor Dixon’s Home

Wednesday May 25th, 2011

The Baltimore City Office of Inspector General (hereinafter “OIG”) received information in August of 2010 that former Mayor Sheila Dixon (hereinafter “Mayor Dixon”) was still in possession of valuable City-owned security equipment.

Initially, the OIG determined that past practice had been for the equipment to be returned to City custody upon separation from office. Working through the Baltimore City Police Department, the OIG learned that shortly after Former Mayor Martin O’Malley was elected as Governor the City owned security equipment that had been installed in his home had been returned.

Beginning shortly after Mayor Dixon resigned her position in February of 2010, the Baltimore City Police made several efforts to obtain Mayor Dixon’s consent for removal of the equipment but were not successful. As a result of renewed efforts by the OIG and the Baltimore City Police, the equipment from Mayor Dixon’s residence was returned to City custody. The equipment is valued at $12,000.00.

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